ESQUERITA – Wildcat Shakeout (Vinyl rip!!!)


“Capitol was the only company to find any kind of answer to the wildness of Little Richard, in an equally bizarre performer who called himself Esquerita. For Capitol Esquerita cut a series of the most frantic rockn’ roll records ever made.
Several of Esquerita’s eight records were roughly based on recent Little Richard hits, but only roughly. The singer had a lower register and narrower range than Richard, and virtually spoke the lyrics in a gruff, hoarse shout, occasionally breaking into a wavering falsetto. Few of the records sounded as if the band had ever played the songs before and frequently most of the musicians took off on searing solos whose key and tempo were only vaguely connected to those of others in the band.
Esquerita played piano with a speed and staccato attack that echoed Little Richard’s style, but the overall sound here in some way conjured a chaotic symphony, as a succession of chords chased each other desperately up to the keyboard. The violence that was normally only a promise (or threat) in rock ‘n’ roll was realized in Esquerita’s sound.”

This is 1969. compilation LP in STEREO ENCHANCED MONO and it sounds pretty wyld. All trax are from 1958/59 recorded for Capitol records. Dig this Little Richard style rockers by one and only Voola!

“Esquerita sounds like he looks”


