Bang! Mustang!1 (1)

Whatta name!?!

BANG!MUSTANG! was founded by members of successful international bands, incl. Los Twang! Marvels, Messer Chups and The Rob Ryan Roadshow. The Mustangs sound like wild west, 1000 PS and hypnotized amerindians who celebrate the musical excess of all cultures! With oiled straps, burning guitars and marvelous melodies in their gats they delighted the continents from the year one with brilliant, sparkling sounds, surging guitars and roaring rythms – Surf Music in the proper sense! It’s all about dynamics, devotion and passion!

This is their 2nd LP, one of the best recent surfin’ instro slabs, nominated for Pipeline’s: “Album of the Year 2014” Surfadelic says Dig!!!